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Design Customization

Fully customise the machine to your business needs

feel free to design it all the way that you would like, from brand-colored frames, frames with different patterns, or even the frames with celebrities on it. 

Photo Frames 

You may also customise the frame design to match your company's branding. Users can choose from the various frame layout options available with the preset design. 

Custom Frame

Adjust frame colors, designs, and overlays to your preference.

Frames (Standard Angle Photo Booth)

Frame options for Standard Angle Photo Booth 

Frames (High Angle Photo Booth)

Frame options for High Angle Photo Booth

Korean style photo frame designs

Chalkak Studio's Comprehensive and Complimentary Frame Design Files

User Interface

Here is an overview of what users will see on the display screen from start to end during their photobooth experience. The design is fully customisable to match your company's branding. 

Main Screen

1. Main Screen

Take Photo

5. Take Photo

Choose Frame

2. Choose Frame

Confirm Photo

6. Confirm Photos

Payment Screen

3. Payment

Choose Design

7. Choose Design

Choose Filter

4. Choose Filters

QR Code

8. QR Code

Photo Booth Custom User Interface

Photo Frame & UI Customization Software

Easily upload designs and update settings with our user-friendly platform.

UI & frame customization software
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